Hyperborean Jiaxi

Anything added here will be just northern shitposts.

welcome to Hyperborean Jiaxi. this is just a website for random northern shitposts. yes i spent money on that website cuz why not? if you wanna submit anything to this shitty website, just contact ryam111 on discord

UPDATE: Jiaxi has made it onto mountain. Our orchestra is turning into shit. We will miss you james <3 (unless he comes back down mountain for the 3rd time)


Northern Memes
Northern Pictures
Northern Cringe Compilation
Northern Tier Lists


Comparison between the legendary Hyperboreans and Jiaxi Zhang

Jiaxi's location history (tracked with Apple AirTag). You can see him travelling from Agartha to NAA very often

Footage of Jiaxi shapeshifting (hyperboreans can just do that)

An Agarthan edit of Jiaxi, made by Yours Truly

As you can see, Jiaxi is most likely a Hyperborean from Agartha. He uses his Nazi UFO (because he's Hitler's Top G) to travel from NAA to his HyperMansion every day. He most likely goes through the caves or sometimes the normal entrance in the North Pole (South Pole entrance is currently blocked by elites. Jiaxi is currently trying to figure out how to get rid of the ice blockage). He is on a mission to save NAA and the rest of the world from nuclear war and human extinction.